Efficacia protettiva dei guanti di latice nei confronti degli agenti chimici / Chemical resistence of latex gloves
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Il rischio chimico cutaneo è rappresentato dagli agenti chimici con azione irritante, caustica, sensibilizzante o che producono effetti tossici dopo essere penetrati attraverso la cute. Negli ultimi anni l’interesse per l’effettiva capacità protettiva dei guanti è progressivamente aumentato parallelamente al loro uso. Il passaggio del composto attraverso il materiale protettivo non sempre risulta visibile. Ciò ha portato allo sviluppo di test standardizzati. Nel 1989 la CE ha adottato due Direttive nel campo dei Dispositivi di Protezione Individuale (DPI) definendo procedure di certificazione (89/686/EEC) e le caratteristiche richieste per l’uso di DPI da parte dei lavoratori (89/656/EEC). Quando gli Standard Europei sono accettati dal CEN esistono in forma di bozza (prEN), perdendo il prefisso pruna volta approvati da tutti i Paesi membri della CE. Numerosi EN sui guanti protettivi sono stati preparati dal CEN/TC 162 riguardanti i metodi da utilizzare per i test di resistenza alla penetrazione/permeazione da parte dei composti chimici ed altre caratteristiche. Tuttavia in questi protocolli sono state rilevate alcune limitazioni, dato che non necessariamente rappresentano le reali condizioni di utilizzazione. In generale non esiste un materiale protettivo contro gli agenti chimici ideale perché quello che resiste maggiormente a un composto non protegge efficacemente da un altro. Il latice non viene comunemente considerato un materiale particolarmente resistente alle sostanze chimiche e perciò il suo uso in tal senso è limitato.Tuttavia il basso costo e la diffusione dei guanti in latice in particolare in ambito sanitario li rendono spesso disponibili e pertanto utilizzati nelle situazioni più varie.
Chemical resistence of latex gloves
Dermal chemical risk is represented by the chemicals with irritant, caustic and sensitization properties or that can produce toxic effects after penetration through the skin. During the last few years the interest for the effective protecting ability of gloves progressively is increased in parallel with their use. Penetration of chemicals through the protecting material does not always turn out visible. That has led to the development of test standardizes. In 1989 the EC adopted two Directives in the field of the characteristics of protection devices defining certification procedures (89/686/EEC) and characteristics demanded for the use of protection devices at the workplace (89/656/EEC).When the European Standards are accepted from the CEN they exist in rough draft shape (prEN), losing the prefixed one pr- when they are approved by all the EC member Countries. A number of EN for protection gloves have been proposed by CEN/TC 162 regarding methods for testing the resistance to penetration/permeation of chemicals and other characteristics. However in these protocols some limitations were found, since not necessarily they represent the real using conditions. In general an ideal protecting material against the chemicals does not exist because what is effective to a specific compound does not effectively protect from an other. Latex is not commonly considered a very chemical resistant material and therefore its use in such sense is limited. However the low cost and the spread of latex gloves in particular in Public Health often make them easy available at workplace and therefore used in several situations.
Chemical resistence of latex gloves
Dermal chemical risk is represented by the chemicals with irritant, caustic and sensitization properties or that can produce toxic effects after penetration through the skin. During the last few years the interest for the effective protecting ability of gloves progressively is increased in parallel with their use. Penetration of chemicals through the protecting material does not always turn out visible. That has led to the development of test standardizes. In 1989 the EC adopted two Directives in the field of the characteristics of protection devices defining certification procedures (89/686/EEC) and characteristics demanded for the use of protection devices at the workplace (89/656/EEC).When the European Standards are accepted from the CEN they exist in rough draft shape (prEN), losing the prefixed one pr- when they are approved by all the EC member Countries. A number of EN for protection gloves have been proposed by CEN/TC 162 regarding methods for testing the resistance to penetration/permeation of chemicals and other characteristics. However in these protocols some limitations were found, since not necessarily they represent the real using conditions. In general an ideal protecting material against the chemicals does not exist because what is effective to a specific compound does not effectively protect from an other. Latex is not commonly considered a very chemical resistant material and therefore its use in such sense is limited. However the low cost and the spread of latex gloves in particular in Public Health often make them easy available at workplace and therefore used in several situations.