Esposizione ad inquinanti atmosferici nella città di Bari / Exposure to air pollutants in the city of Bari
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L’inquinamento atmosferico determina un aumento della morbilità e della mortalità per malattie respiratorie e cardiovascolari nelle popolazioni residenti in ambienti urbani. Il nostro lavoro ha sperimentato se fosse possibile utilizzare tecniche di campionamento tipiche dell’igiene industriale nella misura dell’esposizione ad inquinanti atmosferici e mediante campionatori personali le concentrazioni di alcuni inquinanti cui un comune cittadino della città di Bari è esposto durante lo svolgimento delle normali attività quotidiane. Abbiamo monitorato polveri (PM10, PM2.5), CO, CO2, umidità, temperatura, rumore, tramite campionamenti effettuati in maniera dinamica lungo un percorso a piedi, in bicicletta, moto e macchina effettuando un confronto con i dati forniti dalle centraline fisse distribuite sul territorio comunale di Bari. Confrontando i nostri dati con i valori di legge, tranne che per la misura relativa al percorso in auto, in tutte le altre determinazioni la concentrazione misurata di PM10 è stata di poco superiore a 50 μg/m3. Le misure di PM2.5 sono mediamente più vicine al valore di PM10 nella marcia a piedi, mentre si differenziano nettamente nella misura in macchina, bici e moto. Inoltre, confrontando i nostri dati con quelli ottenuti dalla rete comunale sono risultati decisamente più alti per quel che riguarda il PM10. Considerato che il rispetto delle norme di legge è riferito a medie sulle 24 ore, riteniamo che, soprattutto per categorie di cittadini con compromissione respiratoria, sia opportuno guardare soprattutto alle concentrazioni orarie che raggiungono spesso livelli a rischio per la loro salute.
Exposure to air pollutants in the city of Bari
Background: Air pollution leads to increased levels of morbidity and mortality for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in populations living in urban environments. Objectives: Our study tested the possibility of using sampling techniques that are typical of industrial hygiene to measure exposure to atmospheric pollutants and using personal samplers for concentrations of certain pollutants to which an ordinary resident of Bari is exposed on a daily basis. Methods: We monitored dusts (PM10, PM2.5), CO, CO2, humidity, ventilation and noise, by dynamical sampling along a route on foot, bicycle, motorbike and automobile and then compared the results with data provided by fìxed stations distributed in the municipality of Bari. Results: By comparing our data with those values provided for by the law, we found out that the concentrations of all pollutants resulted to be higher than 50 μg/m3, with the exception of the measurements carried out along the route by car. The measurements of PM2.5 were, on average, similar to the values of PM10 for the route on foot, but they were totally different for the measurements made along the route by car, bicycle and motorbike. Moreover, comparing our data with those obtained from the municipal network of fixed stations, we found that results provided by our measurements were higher for PM10. Conclusions: Considering that compliance with the limits set by law refers to average values over 24 hours, we can conclude that those hours in which pollutant concentration reaches a risk level shall be considered especially regarding groups of people with respiratory disorders.
Exposure to air pollutants in the city of Bari
Background: Air pollution leads to increased levels of morbidity and mortality for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in populations living in urban environments. Objectives: Our study tested the possibility of using sampling techniques that are typical of industrial hygiene to measure exposure to atmospheric pollutants and using personal samplers for concentrations of certain pollutants to which an ordinary resident of Bari is exposed on a daily basis. Methods: We monitored dusts (PM10, PM2.5), CO, CO2, humidity, ventilation and noise, by dynamical sampling along a route on foot, bicycle, motorbike and automobile and then compared the results with data provided by fìxed stations distributed in the municipality of Bari. Results: By comparing our data with those values provided for by the law, we found out that the concentrations of all pollutants resulted to be higher than 50 μg/m3, with the exception of the measurements carried out along the route by car. The measurements of PM2.5 were, on average, similar to the values of PM10 for the route on foot, but they were totally different for the measurements made along the route by car, bicycle and motorbike. Moreover, comparing our data with those obtained from the municipal network of fixed stations, we found that results provided by our measurements were higher for PM10. Conclusions: Considering that compliance with the limits set by law refers to average values over 24 hours, we can conclude that those hours in which pollutant concentration reaches a risk level shall be considered especially regarding groups of people with respiratory disorders.