L’inserimento lavorativo dei disabili psichici. Il progetto Lavoro LiberaMente / Employment of psychiatrically disabled people The Lavoro LiberaMente project
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“L’inserimento lavorativo dei disabili psichici. Il progetto Lavoro LiberaMente.” La complessità dell’inserimento lavorativo di persone con disabilità psichiche è nota. Nella liste di collocamento delle Province il loro numero è in costante aumento. Il progetto “Lavoro Liberamente” si è posto l’obiettivo non solo di realizzare l’avviamento lavorativo di alcuni pazienti psichiatrici, quanto di farlo sperimentando una metodologia di rete tra i diversi soggetti che possono contribuire alla buona riuscita dell’inserimento. Il progetto si è articolato in diverse fasi – sensibilizzazione dei servizi psichiatrici, sensibilizzazione delle aziende e definizione delle mansioni, selezione dei candidati, bilancio delle competenze, tirocinio lavorativo – con l’obiettivo di pervenire all’assunzione ed al mantenimento del posto di lavoro. Dopo un complesso lavoro preparatorio, sono stati avviati al lavoro 19 disabili psichici in 14 aziende. Al termine del periodo di tirocinio, 13 di questi sono stati assunti. Considerati i tempi ristretti - circa un anno di tempo trascorso fra la segnalazione dei candidati e le assunzioni - il numero di persone disabili assunte in rapporto a quelle avviate in azienda è soddisfacente. Questo risultato va interpretato in modo positivo perché, al di là di alcune criticità emerse ed analizzate, mostra che l’inserimento dei soggetti con disabilità psichica è possibile a patto che tutte le componenti operino in sinergia, ciascuno con la sua competenza, e a condizione che vi sia una regia riconosciuta per ogni progetto individuale. All’interno di questa sinergia di rete possono essere individuate anche alcune funzioni di cui i Medici del Lavoro possono farsi carico, contribuendo al successo complessivo degli inserimenti.
Employment of psychiatrically disabled people. The Lavoro LiberaMente project
Background: The complexity of giving psychiatrically disabled persons access to work is well known. The percentage of persons thus defined who are on the provincial unemployment lists is constantly increasing. Objectives: The “Lavoro Liberamente” (‘I work freely’) project is aimed not only at enabling a number of psychiatric patients to gain access to work but to do so by experimenting with a network methodology that includes the various agencies that can contribute to a successful outcome. Method: The project was developed in various stages – psychiatric services and company awareness campaigns and task-definition, candidate selection, skills assessment, and work placement – all aimed at finding and maintaining employment. Results: After a thorough preparatory phase, 19 psychiatrically disabled persons were placed in 14 companies. When the apprenticeship was concluded, 13 of them were hired. Conclusions: Considering the short time-frame – about one year between candidates being selected and finally recruited – the ratio between the number of disabled people recruited and those placed was satisfactory. This result should be interpreted positively because, even taking into account some of the most sensitive issues that surfaced and were analysed, it shows that access of the psychiatrically disadvantaged to work is possible if all involved people work synergistically, each according to their responsibilities and knowledge, and on condition that a recognised management of each individual project exists. Within such a network synergism, it is even possible to identify some tasks that are the responsibility of the Occupational Health Physician, therefore further contributing to the overall success of placements.
Employment of psychiatrically disabled people. The Lavoro LiberaMente project
Background: The complexity of giving psychiatrically disabled persons access to work is well known. The percentage of persons thus defined who are on the provincial unemployment lists is constantly increasing. Objectives: The “Lavoro Liberamente” (‘I work freely’) project is aimed not only at enabling a number of psychiatric patients to gain access to work but to do so by experimenting with a network methodology that includes the various agencies that can contribute to a successful outcome. Method: The project was developed in various stages – psychiatric services and company awareness campaigns and task-definition, candidate selection, skills assessment, and work placement – all aimed at finding and maintaining employment. Results: After a thorough preparatory phase, 19 psychiatrically disabled persons were placed in 14 companies. When the apprenticeship was concluded, 13 of them were hired. Conclusions: Considering the short time-frame – about one year between candidates being selected and finally recruited – the ratio between the number of disabled people recruited and those placed was satisfactory. This result should be interpreted positively because, even taking into account some of the most sensitive issues that surfaced and were analysed, it shows that access of the psychiatrically disadvantaged to work is possible if all involved people work synergistically, each according to their responsibilities and knowledge, and on condition that a recognised management of each individual project exists. Within such a network synergism, it is even possible to identify some tasks that are the responsibility of the Occupational Health Physician, therefore further contributing to the overall success of placements.