L’apicoltura: studio
organizzativo, identificazione generale dei rischi, prevalutazione del
rischio da sovraccarico biomeccanico mediante un nuovo strumento di
semplice applicazione
Angela Ruschioni, Simona Montesi, Loreta Maria Spagnuolo*, Lucia Rinaldi*, Lucia Fantozzi**, M. Fanti**
Sanitaria Unica Regionale Marche-Zona Territoriale 7 - Servizio
Prevenzione e Sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro - Ancona. *Azienda
Sanitaria Unica Regionale Marche-Zona Territoriale 7 - Servizio
Veterinario - Ancona. **CIE, Centro Italiano Ergonomia
study of organization, general hazards assessment, pre-assessment of
risk for mechanical overload using a new tool for easy application�.
Background: Beekeeping is common activity in the two regions in this
study, Marche and Tuscany: in both regions the numbers of beekeepers,
both amateur and professional, and honey production are high.
Objectives: The aim was to study, through the application of simple
tools, the organization of beekeeping activity so as to identify
hazardous situations in the work process. Methods: We followed the
production cycle of two businesses that differed in size and work
organization for a period of twelve months. Subsequently each
homogeneous period was assessed via increasingly complex levels of
intervention which made it possible to identify the work phases where
preventive measures could be applied. Results: The results obtained
made it possible to detect the presence of risk situations for the
musculoskeletal system of beekeepers. Conclusions: Organizational
analysis in the two enterprises showed that is possible to apply easy
solutions to improve safety and health at the workplace.