Workplace violence in healthcare: Insights into incidents, types, and reporting mechanisms for hospital nurses

Workplace violence in healthcare: Insights into incidents, types, and reporting mechanisms for hospital nurses



workplace violence, hospital nurses, reporting systems, violence types, nurse safety, aggression in healthcare, incident reporting


Background and aim of the work: In healthcare, addressing workplace violence incidents is complicated by employees' reluctance to report cases, particularly among nurses who may view violence as a regular part of their job. This leads to underreporting due to perceived insignificance and a lack of understanding of reporting procedures. Inadequate support and safety policies from hospital management also pose significant obstacles in addressing workplace violence. This study aims to investigate, analyze thoroughly, and document workplace violence incidents and related occurrences experienced by nurses in hospital settings in Aceh, Indonesia.

Research design and methods: A qualitative research study was undertaken to comprehend the workplace violence experienced by nurses in hospital settings. Seven key informants participated in in-depth interviews to explore their perceptions of workplace violence in hospitals. Following data collection, the researcher utilized thematic analysis to meticulously examine and identify the themes, sub-themes, and underlying meanings associated with the phenomenon of workplace violence.

Results: A study on workplace violence experienced by nurses in Aceh Province identified three primary themes. The first theme focused on the nature and frequency of incidents, providing insight into their prevalence and characteristics. The second theme examined the types of workplace violence encountered by the nurses, including physical assault, emotional abuse, threats, verbal sexual harassment, and sexual abuse. The third theme explored the challenges associated with reporting workplace violence incidents within the healthcare setting, offering an understanding of the barriers and complexities involved.

Conclusions: Having transparent and standardized regulations for reporting workplace violence incidents and having the necessary support and infrastructure are crucial for handling such incidents appropriately and effectively. Ultimately, it is hoped that this will motivate and support nurses to report acts of violence and better deal with them in the future.


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How to Cite

Putra A, Kamil H, Adam M, Usman S, Rauzatul Jannah S, Abdurrahman A. Workplace violence in healthcare: Insights into incidents, types, and reporting mechanisms for hospital nurses. Acta Biomed. 2025;96(1):16356. doi:10.23750/abm.v96i1.16356