The role of social-emotional learning in reducing bullying among adolescents: Evidence from Aceh, Indonesia
social-emotional learning, bullying prevention, Aceh Indonesia, SEL, adolescents, social skills development, emotional skills educationAbstract
Background and aim of the work: Bullying among students is an issue that need collective efforts from various stakeholders, including healthcare providers. The impacts of this aggressive behavior extend to internalization problems, such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and the development of suicidal ideas. Bullying also negatively affects the academic achievement among students. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of social-emotional learning (SEL) intervention in mitigating bullying among students in Aceh Province, Indonesia.
Research design and methods: The researcher utilized an intervention-based approach was adopted in two distinct groups, including the intervention and the control groups, through a pre-post control group design from two Senior High Schools within Aceh Besar District. The determination of sample size was predicted on power analysis, considering a medium effect size and a power level of 0.08, resulting in the selection of 45 respondents for each group. After the randomization of schools, a total of 45 students were selected from each school. A pre-test was administered to both groups one week before the six-session intervention, and a post-test followed one week after the completion of all sessions. The obtained data were then subjected to comprehensive analysis using the Mann-Whitney test.
Results: The results showed that SEL intervention substantially affected knowledge (p-value: 0.001), attitudes (p-value: 0.010), and bullying behavior (p-value: 0.011) among students.
Conclusions: Health practitioners, particularly community and family nurses were promoted to incorporate SEL intervention as a fundamental component to prevent this aggressive behavior in students
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Copyright (c) 2025 Fithria Fithria, Syarifah Rauzatul Jannah, Aiyub Aiyub, Rudi Alfiandi, Nirwan Nirwan, Sri Agustina

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