The Parma integrated model for intervention on pathological addictions in an Italian prison: process description and preliminary findings.

The Parma integrated model for intervention on pathological addictions in an Italian prison: process description and preliminary findings.


  • Lorenzo Pelizza Parma Department of Mental Health and Pathological Addiction, Azienda USL di Parma
  • Amir Zaimovic AUSL di Parma
  • Bruno Veneri AUSL di Parma
  • Beatrice Urbani AUSL di Parma
  • Stefania Cutrino AUSL di Parma
  • Diana Gran Dall'Olio AUSL di Parma
  • Germana Verdoliva AUSL di Parma
  • Davide Maestri AUSL di Parma
  • Ursula Zambelli AUSL di Parma
  • Enrico Rossi AUSL di Parma
  • Ilaria De Amicis AUSL di Parma
  • Cecilia Paraggio AUSL di Parma
  • Adriana Adriani AUSL di Parma
  • Silvia Bertoli AUSL di Parma
  • Giuseppina Paulillo AUSL di Parma
  • Derna Palmisano AUSL di Parma
  • Emanuela Leuci AUSL di Parma
  • Pietro Pellegrini AUSL di Parma


Pathological Addiction; Drug Abuse; Psychiatric Services; Rehabilitation; Prison; Italy.


Background - Interventions for inmates with Pathological Addiction (PA) still remain a problematic issue in Italian prisons, despite a 1999 major government reform transferring PA care in prison to the National Health Service. Aim of this research was to describe the integrated intervention model implemented for prisoners with PA in the Parma Penitentiary Institutes from January 2020 to June 2020. This specific approach is based on “person-tailored” therapeutic-rehabilitation programs in line with local community PA services. Methods - All the procedures were first carefully illustrated, especially the service for newly admitted inmates and the specialized rehabilitation treatments provided. A process analysis on the first six months of clinical activity was then performed. Results - Since January 2020, 178 subjects entered the service for newly admitted inmates: 55 (30.9%) were taken in charge for a PA. Conclusions - Our results support the feasibility of an integrated intervention model for PA in Italian prisons, based on specialized psychiatric treatments planned and provided in collaboration with inmates and their community health and social services.


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How to Cite

Pelizza L, Zaimovic A, Veneri B, Urbani B, Cutrino S, Gran Dall'Olio D, et al. The Parma integrated model for intervention on pathological addictions in an Italian prison: process description and preliminary findings. Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];92(3):e2021223. Available from: