Vol. 85 No. 2 (2014): Supplement - SERTOT

					View Vol. 85 No. 2 (2014): Supplement - SERTOT
Published: 07-11-2014

  • Open surgical revision of radial nerve after humeral fracture in polytrauma

    Sergio Bernobi, Giovanni De Fabrizio, Matjaz Vuga, Roberto Valentini
    Views 327 | PDF Downloads 195 Fig. 1. Fracture of the middle third of the humerus in the left picture, in the middle picture urgent stabilization with intramedullary Rush nail, in the picture on the right the stabilization with locked intramedullary nail during the simultaneous revisi Downloads 91 Fig. 2. Intraoperative picture: on the left the isolation of dislocated radial nerve, neurolysis in the center and repositioning on the right picture Downloads 45