Post-amputation neuroma of radial nerve in a patient with ephitelioid sarcoma: case report and literature review: POST-AMPUTATION NEUROMA OF RADIAL NERVE

Post-amputation neuroma of radial nerve in a patient with ephitelioid sarcoma: case report and literature review



  • Fabio Sandomenico Radiology Department, National Cancer Institute Pascale Foundation, via M. Semmola 53, I-80131Naples Italy
  • Antonio Corvino 1Motor Science and Wellness Department, University of Naples “Parthenope”, via F. Acton 38, I-80133 Naples, Italy 2Advanced Biomedical Sciences Department, University Federico II of Naples (UNINA), via S. Pansini 5, I-80131 Naples Italy
  • Sergio Venanzio Setola Radiology Department, National Cancer Institute Pascale Foundation, via M. Semmola 53, I-80131Naples Italy
  • Igino Simonetti Advanced Biomedical Sciences Department, University Federico II of Naples (UNINA), via S. Pansini 5, I-80131Naples Italy
  • Mauro Porcaro Advanced Biomedical Sciences Department, University Federico II of Naples (UNINA), via S. Pansini 5, I-80131Naples Italy
  • Piero Trovato Advanced Biomedical Sciences Department, University Federico II of Naples (UNINA), via S. Pansini 5, I-80131Naples Italy
  • Orlando Catalano Radiology Unit, Istituto Diagnostico Varelli, via Cornelia dei Gracchi 65, I-80126 Naples Italy
  • Antonella Petrillo Radiology Department, National Cancer Institute Pascale Foundation, via M. Semmola 53, I-80131Naples Italy


neuroma, peripheral nerves, tumors, sarcoma, ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Neuroma, also known as traumatic neuroma or amputation neuroma or stump neuroma, is a focal non neoplastic area of proliferative hyperplastic reaction secondary to peripheral nerve damage that commonly occurs after a focal trauma (acute or chronic) or surgery, such as amputation or partial transection. Neuromas are more commonly located in the lower limbs, followed by head and neck; other extremely rare sites include the ulnar nerve followed by the radial nerve and the brachial plexus. A radiologic plan is necessary to recognize soft tissue lesions with a neural origin and whether they are a true tumor or a pseudotumor such as a neuroma, fibrolipoma, or peripheral nerve sheath ganglion. In oncologic patients the appearance of post-surgical neuromas can produce problems in differential diagnosis with local recurrences. Therefore, with a combination of different imaging techniques, mainly ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it is possible to characterize neurogenic tumours safely, with a great impact on patient management and to plan an appropriate treatment. Here, we report the first case of post-amputation neuroma of radial nerve in a patient with clinical history of ephitelioid sarcoma with a short literature review.







How to Cite

Sandomenico F, Corvino A, Setola SV, et al. Post-amputation neuroma of radial nerve in a patient with ephitelioid sarcoma: case report and literature review: POST-AMPUTATION NEUROMA OF RADIAL NERVE. Acta Biomed. 2020;91(1):122-127. doi:10.23750/abm.v91i1.8510