Advanced gastric cancer: the value of surgery

Advanced gastric cancer: the value of surgery


  • Paola Fugazzola Emergency, General and Trauma Surgery dept., Bufalini hospital, Cesena, Italy
  • Luca Ansaloni Emergency, General and Trauma Surgery dept., Bufalini hospital, Cesena, Italy
  • Massimo Sartelli General Surgery Department, Macerata Hospital, Macerata, Italy
  • Fausto Catena General and Emergency Surgery dept., Maggiore hospital, Parma, Italy
  • Enrico Cicuttin Emergency, General and Trauma Surgery dept., Bufalini hospital, Cesena, Italy
  • Gioacchino Leandro National Institute of Gastroenterology “S. De Bellis” Research Hospital, Castellana Grotte, Italy
  • Gian Luigi de' Angelis Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
  • Federica Gaiani Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
  • Francesco Di Mario Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
  • Matteo Tomasoni Emergency, General and Trauma Surgery dept., Bufalini hospital, Cesena, Italy
  • Federico Coccolini Emergency, General and Trauma Surgery dept., Bufalini hospital, Cesena, Italy


advanced gastric cancer, chemotherapy, hipec, intraperitoneal, surgery, definition, metastasis, carcinosis


Gastric cancer is a common disease with high mortality. The definition of advanced gastric cancer is still debated. Radical surgery associated to appropriate systemic and intra-abdominal chemotherapy is the gold standard treatment. In presence of peritoneal carcinosis, reaching a complete cytoreduction is the key to achieve long-term survival. Adequate lymphadenectomy is also fundamental. Conversion therapy could be applied to selected IV stage patients. No definitive evidences exist regarding the oncological and surgical superiority of mini-invasive approaches over the classical open techniques.




How to Cite

Fugazzola P, Ansaloni L, Sartelli M, et al. Advanced gastric cancer: the value of surgery. Acta Biomed. 2018;89(8-S):110-116. doi:10.23750/abm.v89i8-S.7897