The Italian version of the “tool to measure parental self-efficacy-short form”: psychometric properties of the measure and initial validation
topse, italian validation, confirmatory factor analysis, parental self-efficacy, parentingAbstract
Background and aim: Parental self-efficacy is recognized as a core element of the transition to parenthood process. It affects parental mental health, as well as children’s psychosocial, neurodevelopmental and health outcomes since early infancy. Parents with higher parenting self-efficacy have a higher likelihood of engaging in quality parenting practices that support optimal self-regulation development in children. Our study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Italian TOPSE-Short Form (I-TOPSE-SF) questionnaire. Methods: 673 Italian mothers (Mage=37.5; SD=5.7) of children aging 0 to 6 years (Mage=3.9; SD=1.7) were involved in this study. Results: Initial results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis highlighted that the fit indices of the hypothesized 6-factor structure of the TOPSE weren’t satisfactory. Acceptable internal consistencies for the total score and the six dimensions of the measure were observed. Evidence for convergent and divergent validity were provided. Conclusions: The I-TOPSE-SF could be a valuable tool to assess parental self-efficacy up to school age, but it is in need of further considerations about its measurement properties.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francesca Boldrini, Benedetta Ragni, Claudia Russo, Daniela Barni, Simona De Stasio

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