Short-term clinical and radiological comparisons between two Medial Pivot Total Knee Arthroplasty implants with different geometries
Total Knee Arthroplasty - Medial Pivot - Ball in socket - J curve – KinematicsAbstract
Background and aim: Different total knee arthroplasty (TKA) implants were created for the treatment of severe symptomatic gonarthrosis and Medial Pivot TKA (MP TKA) seem to reproduce the normal kinematics of the knee. We compare two different prosthetic designs of MP TKA in order to identify whether there is a difference between the two in terms of degree of patient satisfaction. Methods: A total of 89 patients were analyzed. A group of 46 patients who benefited from a TKA with the Evolution® prosthesis and one of 43 patients who received a TKA with the Persona® prosthesis. KSS, OKS, FJS and the ROM were analyzed at follow up. Results: The values of KSS and OKS were similar between the two groups (p>0,05). Our statistical analysis revealed a statistically significant increase (p <0.05) in ROM in the Persona® group and in FJS in the Evolution® group. No radiolucent lines were observed in both groups at the radiological final follow-up. Conclusions: MP TKA models analysed are a valuable tool to achieve satisfactory clinical outcomes. This study demonstrates that the FJS is an important score for the evaluation of patient’s satisfaction: a ROM’s limitation can be accepted by the patient in exchange for a more natural perceived knee.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Eugenio Vecchini, Ramazzini Leandro, Enrico Lunardelli, Fabio Zancanaro, Andrea Amarossi, Angela Anselmi, Damiano De Cristan, Tommaso Maluta, Bruno Magnan, Matteo Ricci

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