Translation, validation and psychometric properties of the Albanian version of the Nurses Professional Competence Scale Short form
Competence nursing, Confirmatory factor analysis, Exploratory factor analysis, Professional competence, PsychometricsAbstract
Background and aim: The primary aim of this study was the translation and psychometric validation of the Albanian Nurse Professional Competence Scale Short Form (A-NPCS-SF) for further application in Albanian healthcare settings.
Methods: The multiphase design used to develop the A-NPCS-SF comprised (1) cultural and linguistic validation, (2) content and face validity, and (3) construct validity.
Results: The A-NPCS-SF showed adequate content validity. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the six-factor structure of the A-NPCS-SF to explain the data obtained from the nurses.
Conclusions: The A-NPCS-SF showed evidence of validity and reliability in measuring four professional competencies. Having an appropriate scale in Albanian for professional competence self-assessment by nurses constitutes an essential step in measuring these competencies. (
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Copyright (c) 2023 Blerina Duka, Alessandro Stievano, Rosario Caruso, Emanuela Prendi, Florian Spada, Maddalena De Maria, Gennaro Rocco, Ippolito Notarnicola

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