PSA-IgM and iXip in the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer: clinical relevance and future potential. A review.

PSA-IgM and iXip in the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer: clinical relevance and future potential. A review.


  • Umberto Maestroni Department of Urology, University-Hospital of Parma
  • Domenico Maria Cavalieri Department of Radiology, University-Hospital of Parma
  • Davide Campobasso Department of Urology, University-Hospital of Parma
  • Giulio Guarino Department of Urology, University-Hospital of Parma
  • Francesco Ziglioli University-Hospital of Parma, Italy


prostate cancer, PSA-IgM, iXip, active surveillance, immunocomplex


The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is the first filter in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Unfortunately, it is organ-specific but not cancer-specific. In addition, some prostate cancers are not clinically-significant and their diagnosis and treatment may lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment.

For these reasons, other markers have been proposed in the last years, such as PCA3 and PHI, but none of these are currently used in the clinical practice on large scale.

In the last decade, PSA-IgM and the algorithm iXip have emerged for the diagnosis of prostate cancer and showed to perform well in decreasing the detection of clinically-insignificant prostate cancer and in reducing the number of unnecessary prostate biopsies.

This review focuses on data reported in the literature on PSA-IgM and iXip as well as on the future perspectives of their usage in the clinical practice on large scale.


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How to Cite

Maestroni U, Cavalieri DM, Campobasso D, Guarino G, Ziglioli F. PSA-IgM and iXip in the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer: clinical relevance and future potential. A review. Acta Biomed. 2022;92(6):e2021344. doi:10.23750/abm.v92i6.12058