Competence assessment of the clinical tutor: a multicentric observational study

Competence assessment of the clinical tutor: a multicentric observational study


  • Rachele La Sala Educational Director, Course of Degree in Nursing University of Parma, University Teaching Hospital, Parma
  • Debora Coppola Bachelor of Nursing University of Parma, University Teaching Hospital, Parma
  • Corrado Ruozi Psychology Pontential Training and Development Manager, University Teaching Hospital, Parma
  • Michele Martelli Bachelor of Nursing University of Parma, University Teaching Hospital, Parma
  • Alessandro Lo Coco Bachelor of Nursing University of Parma, University Teaching Hospital, Parma
  • Romano Marchini Manager of the Health Professions, AUSL Parma, Parma
  • Lucia Gotri Educational Director, Course of Degree in Nursing University of Parma, University Teaching Hospital, Parma
  • Giuseppe Pedrazzi Department of Medicine and Surgery-Unit of Neuroscience, and Interdepartmental center of Robust Statistics, University of Parma, Parma


nurses’competence, nursing education, clinical experiences, student evaluation, learning experience


Background and aim of the study: In the international literature there are no validated tools which investigate clinical tutors’ skills. The main objective of the study has been to describe the clinical nurse tutor’s skills, required to properly train nursing students during their educational path. Methods: In this observational study a non-probability sampling has been used. The study was led in two centers: the AOUPR of Parma and the AUSL of Parma, after obtaining the favorable opinion from the Ethics Committee of the Northern Emilia Large Section. The data have been collected by using a structured and self-given survey that investigated three areas. Each item has a 4-point Likert scale, in which 1 indicates "for nothing" and 4 "very much". The data have been analyzed with the statistical software IBM SPSS v.26 ® and with the open-source statistical software Jamovi v.1.6.9 ( The number of factors in the original model was reduced using several established research steps and then evaluated for data quality and construct validity using principal component analysis and confimatory factor analysis. Results: Among 397 administered questionnaires, only 300, which were considered valid, have been filled. The psychometric properties of the investigation tool turned out to be good in all the areas analyzed with a Cronbach alpha higher than 0.70. The extensive process resulted in a version with 4 factors. Conclusions: Nurses’ answers have allowed to draw the required profile of the clinical tutors in the different organizational contexts. The results can target possible training proposals to create opportunities for the clinical tutors.

Author Biography

Rachele La Sala, Educational Director, Course of Degree in Nursing University of Parma, University Teaching Hospital, Parma

Direzione del Servizio Assistenziale


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Original articles: Health Professions 1/2021

How to Cite

La Sala R, Coppola D, Ruozi C, Martelli M, Lo Coco A, Marchini R, et al. Competence assessment of the clinical tutor: a multicentric observational study. Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];92(S2):e2021016. Available from: