Nursing student attitudes toward dying patient care: A European multicenter cross-sectional study

Nursing student attitudes toward dying patient care: A European multicenter cross-sectional study


  • Paola Ferri
  • Rosaria Di Lorenzo Psychiatric Intensive Treatment Facility, Mental Health and Drug Abuse Department of AUSL-Modena
  • Serena Stifani Nursing Degree Course of Modena, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Elena Morotti Nursing Degree Course of Modena, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Matilde Vagnini Assistenza domiciliare di Sassuolo, AUSL-Modena
  • María Francisca Jiménez Herrera Grado de Enfermería, Tarragona, Universidad Rovira i Virgili
  • Antonio Bonacaro Department of Adult and Mental Health Nursing, Anglia Ruskin University
  • Giovanna Artioli Palliative Care Unit. Azienda USL-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia
  • Ivan Rubbi Nursing Degree Course of Faenza, University of Bologna
  • Alvisa Palese Department of Medical Science, Udine University


Nursing students, Nursing education, FATCOD-B, Attitudes towards caring for dying patients, palliative care


Background and aim of the work

Nursing education plays a key role in preparing future nurses to deal with dying patients, which represents one of the most emotionally involving aspect of nursing. The aims of the study were to explore nursing students’ attitudes towards care of dying patients in three different European contexts and to analyze the variables that can influence them.


We conducted an international multicenter cross-sectional study. We administered the Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of the Dying Scale form B (FATCOD-B) and a demographic form to 569 students, enrolled in the Nursing Programmes in three different countries (Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom), who accepted to participate in the study. The data were analyzed using SPSS software version 26.0.


Median total FATCOD-B scores indicated intermediate levels of students’ attitudes towards care for dying patients, with a statistically significant difference among the three student groups. The median total FATCOD-B scores did not statistically significantly change in students with different age, gender, year of study, religious believes, nursing education on palliative care, previous experiences of dying patient care and personal grieving.


In our study, nursing students feel partially prepared in caring for dying patients and their attitudes do not change as the course of study progresses. No selected variables had an impact on students’ attitudes towards palliative care. Since nurses play a vital role in ensuring the quality of care, education on end-of-life care should be offered as a core part of undergraduate nursing programs.


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Original articles: Health Professions 1/2021

How to Cite

Ferri P, Di Lorenzo R, Stifani S, et al. Nursing student attitudes toward dying patient care: A European multicenter cross-sectional study. Acta Biomed. 2021;92(S2):e2021018. doi:10.23750/abm.v92iS2.11403