Obstructive sleep apnea, cpap and COVID-19: a brief review
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, Covid-19, inflammation, non-invasive ventilation, CPAPAbstract
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a broadly diffused curable chronic low-grade inflammatory disease sharing impressive clinical and pathogenetic features with Covid-19. Moreover, a potential role of OSA as a detrimental factor for Covid-19 severity has been hypothesized. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the mainstay treatment for moderate-severe OSA, but the beneficial effects of ventilation strongly depend on medical expertise and on the patient’s adherence and compliance. Although several papers have analyzed the overlaps and outcomes of OSA and Covid-19, limited attention has been dedicated to ventilatory adherence and management of OSA cohorts exposed to Covid-19. We briefly review the literature data, pointing out the main risks and benefits of CPAP for OSA patients in the pandemic setting.
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