Published: 17-07-2023



Rosagemma Ciliberti; Marta Licata
Abstract 191 | PDF Downloads 47

Page e2023028

Original articles: Bioethics

The narratological approach in accompanying people towards the end of life: the experience of "Teatro DiLetto"

Ivano Malcotti, Linda Alfano, Rosagemma Ciliberti
Abstract 107 | PDF Downloads 56

Page e2023020

Bereavement in the Digital Age: The Challenges of Online Sharing and Digital Memory Preservation

Francesca Santi, Davide Bianchi
Abstract 102 | PDF Downloads 57

Page e2023023

Body donation for research and teaching purposes: operational criteria and ethical aspects

Rosagemma Ciliberti, Matteo Gulino, Gianluca Montanari Vergallo , Alessandro Bonsignore
Abstract 138 | PDF Downloads 62

Page e2023027

Cremation and the 'ethical' handling of ashes

linda Alfano, Ivano Malcotti, Rosagemma Ciliberti
Abstract 128 | PDF Downloads 56

Page e2023022

Ethics in Pet Funeral Practices: The State of Liminality

Rosagemma Ciliberti, Ivano Malcotti, Linda Alfano
Abstract 143 | PDF Downloads 93

Page e2023024

The reasons underlying ethics within the archaeo-anthropological arena

Rosagemma Ciliberti, Marta Licata
Abstract 100 | PDF Downloads 62

Page e2023021

The figure of the funeral officiant and the history of Cremation in the Modern Era

Linda Alfano, Ivano Malcotti, Paolo Fontana, Rosagemma Ciliberti
Abstract 64 | PDF Downloads 27

Page e2023029

Letter to Editor: Bioethics

Bioethics and the treatment of human remains

Claudia Bressan
Abstract 66 | PDF Downloads 58

Page e2023025