“Hijrah Medicine”: a study of the transition of medicine from general to Islamic-based medicine in Indonesia

“Hijrah Medicine”: a study of the transition of medicine from general to Islamic-based medicine in Indonesia



medicine, anthropology of health, hijrah, Islam


Thibbun Nabawi medicine, or Islam-based medicine, is growing more popular in Indonesia. Historically, Islamic medicine practitioners were restricted to Islamic communities and had a profound grasp of religion. Persons with higher levels of education and social position are currently the most frequent users of Islam-based medicine. Hijrah medication is crucial for achieving holistic health and keeping good health with natural human defenses against illnesses that are carried out holistically and trusted by the users. The decision to treat according to Islam was made because the Muslim community was aware of the necessity and was committed to reviving the Prophetic thibbun medicine that the Prophet Muhammad SAW had gained thousands of years prior.

The purpose of this article is to identify the motivations behind people's decisions to diagnose, treat, and heal illnesses using "hijrah medicine" based on Islamic teachings. Medical care is something that everyone, especially Muslims, should consider when they are sick in order to recover and always get closer to Allah SWT. The approach used was a qualitative literature study with a health anthropology viewpoint and practical theory drawn from a literature review of earlier research relevant to this topic. The results of this study demonstrate that faith-based therapy typically has no side effects, and individuals prefer it because of its high level of trustworthiness and negligible adverse effects. Additionally, the price is acceptable when weighed against the price of medicines. The people who preceded them used Islamic alternative medicine, using herbal remedies like honey, habbatussauda, olive oil, cupping, and ruqyah to alleviate diseases. This study's conclusion is that practicing "hijrah medicine" medical care based on Islamic principles can be effective in curing diseases.


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Original articles: History of Medicine

How to Cite

Harahap J, Destiwati R. “Hijrah Medicine”: a study of the transition of medicine from general to Islamic-based medicine in Indonesia. Med Histor [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];7(3):e2023046. Available from: https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/MedHistor/article/view/14941