Entheseal changes of the Achilles tendon in the Samnitic population of Opi, Val Fondillo (VII-VI century BCE; Abruzzo, central Italy): a preliminary study

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Jacopo Cilli https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2030-9027
Arianna Di Felice
Luigi Capasso
Ruggero D'Anastasio


Enthesopathies, Hell bone, Achilles tendon, Paleopathology, Italy


Entheseal changes are an important feature in anthropological studies for reconstruction of lifestyles in ancient populations. This study examined Achilles tendon enthesis in a Samnitic population of Opi (VII-VI century BCE; central Italy), to investigate differences in work activities between females and males through life. Fifty-one individuals provided 35 usable heel bones that were examined using a standardized scoring method for entheseal changes (grades 0-4). Different distribution patterns of enthesopathies between females and males were seen. Females showed physiological changes in Achilles tendon enthesis linked to age-group. Males showed overall higher entheseal change distributions linked to earlier death, with some reaching the highest grade 4 in the 25-35 years age-group (8.3%). These data are consistent with different work activities between these females and males, and suggest more static and less-demanding female roles, with some males involved in harder/ more dynamic and dangerous activities, compared to females.
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