The identification of the body of Carlo Girolamo I Della Porta (1635-1704)

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Omar Larentis


anthropology, paleopathology, taphonomy, Modern Era, Italy


The Della Porta family is a noble family that settled in Valcuvia starting in the 16th century, building Villa Della Porta Bozzolo, one of the most prestigious residences in the area. Historical sources report that some members of the family were buried in the church of Sant'Eusebio and Antonio in Azzio, which was part of the Franciscan convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli, whose economic interests were cared for by the Della Porta family. Between 2021 and 2022, the resumption of anthropological research within the church allowed for a scientific investigation of the underground environments, identifying the remains of Carlo Girolamo I Della Porta.

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