Archaeobotanical analysis of a roman funerary context in Mutina: via Ferrari

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Federica Riso


archaeobotany, roman, necropolis, Mutina, carpology, anthracology, multidisciplinary


The archaeological investigations of the funerary context of via Ferrari in Modena (northern Italy) carried on in 2010 brought to light two cremation burials of the Lollia gens of the 1st century AD. An archaeobotanical analysis (seeds/fruits and charcoals) has been carried out in order to find remains of meals involved in the ritual ceremonies, as evidence of the attendance of the sepulcher. Soil samples taken have been examined at the Laboratory of Palynology and Palaeobotany in Modena. Here the soil-sieving operation was carried out using piled sieves of differing mesh sizes (10 mm – 0.5 mm – 0.2 mm), as well as screening and microscopic identification. A total 836 seeds/fruits and 19 taxa have been identified and they mostly belong to cultivated plants or, anyway, plants that can be used as food, as Cereals, Pulses and Fruit plants. The aim of the anthracological analysis was a preliminary essay. A total of 15 charcoals were examined and the only taxon identified was ash (Fraxinus).

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