Peasants, nobles and religious. Mortuary archaeology in the church of SS. Eusebio and Antonio of Azzio, Varese (Northwest Italy)

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Omar Larentis
Marco Calderoni


Modern Age , burial , Bioarchaeology, analyses , anthropology, body treatment


In this paper, we present a summary of the bioarchaeological analyses carried out in the church of SS. Eusebio and Antonio of Azzio, Varese, between 2012 and 2022. Ten years of studies have qualified this church as a context of primary importance as regards some aspects related to the mortuary archaeology of a human sample composed by peasants, nobles and religious. Indeed, the context allow us to acquire data about i.e., the treatment of the body, the tomb types, the funerary ritual and the entomofauna of the context. Several analyses have been proposed and many methods adopted, from time to time to respond to different needs. This paper wants to present an overview of the analyses that have been carried out in the context also thanks to the collaboration of various scholars who have made it possible to form a multidisciplinary team.

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