“PAH” carcinogens; what nullified early warnings
Abstract 65 | PDF Downloads 45Page 5-14
Critical Review
Oncological guidelines: an educational, forensic or regulatory instrument?
Abstract 85 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 56Page 15-21
Asbestos-related mesothelioma
Abstract 92 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 41Page 23-26
Articles on original studies and research
Complication rates in the clinical practice of long-term use central venous catheters in cancer patients
Abstract 93 | PDF Downloads 53Page 27-32
Mesotelioma inatteso in donna centenaria: un riscontro autoptico
Abstract 110 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 45Page 33-36
Breast cancer and hormonal intake among Egyptian females
Abstract 112 | PDF Downloads 53Page 37-52
Diencephalic syndrome and brain tumours: a rare cause of growth failure
Abstract 87 | PDF Downloads 68Page 53-56