The relationship between clinicopathology factors and omental metastasis in epithelial ovarian cancer

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Sigit Purbadi
Hariyono Winarto
Febian Nathania


Clinicopathology factors; epithelial ovarian cancer; omentum; omental metastasis


Background: Aside from being a major metastatic site in epithelial type ovarian cancer, omentum has an immunological role. Omentum has the ability to colonize the spread of cancer cells by forming omental caking. This study aims to determine the relationship between clinicopathology factors with metastasis in omentum in epithelial type ovarian cancer.

Methods: The study used cross-sectional study design. Subjects were patients diagnosed with epithelial type ovarian cancer who underwent surgery at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between January 2010 and December 2017.

Results: There was an association between serous as well as mucinous type, omental nodules, and between CA 125 and metastasis in omentum (OR 1.7, CI 95% 24.1-47.7; p = 0.002, OR 14.5, CI 95% 2.5- 82.2; p = 0.002, OR 61, CI 95% 11.4-324.8; p <0.01, and OR 3.5, CI 95% 1.2-9.7; p = 0.013). Multivariate analysis demonstrated a significant association between mucinous types with metastases in the omentum (aOR 9.71, CI 95% 1.11-84.89; p = 0.04) and between the omental nodules and metastases in the omentum (aOR 40.92, CI 95% 6.64-251.96 ; p <0.01).

Conclusion: The incidence of omental metastasis in epithelial ovarian cancer is higher in mucinous histological types of and omental nodules only.

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