Published: 2015-11-16


Quality of Life during chemotherapy: implications for social and legal medicine

Francesco Massoni, Pasquale Ricci, Max Rapp Ricciardi, Eleonora Luzi, Trevor Archer, Serafino Ricci
Abstract 128 | PDF Downloads 67

Page 73-81


Safety and effectiveness of bevacizumab in the treatment of malignant gliomas

Gloria Molas, Fernando doPazo-Oubiña, Helena Anglada-Martinez, Gisela Riu-Viladoms, Natalia Creus-Baro
Abstract 129 | PDF Downloads 58

Page 81-87

VEGF gene +936C/T polymorphism decreases the risk of colorectal cancer

Sanaz Savabkar, Vahid Chaleshi, Faegheh Behboudi Farahbakhsh, Mahdi Montazer Haghighi, Neda Zali, Ehsan Nazemalhosseini Mojarad, Mohsen Vahedi, Gholam Reza Javadi, Hamid Asadzade Aghdaei, Mohammad Reza Zali
Abstract 276 | PDF Downloads 71

Page 88-93

Screening BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation frequencies in breast cancer patients of west Iran reveals a novel polymorphism in BRCA1 gene

Nasim Sadrizade, Shahrbanu Parchami-Barjui, Somayeh Reiisi, Morteza Hashemzadeh-Chaleshtori, Maryam Hajhashemi
Abstract 107 | PDF Downloads 77

Page 94-99

Case reports

A rare case of tracheal lymphoma presenting with severe tracheal stenosis

Akif Ozgul, Zehra Yasar, Unal Sahin, Murat Acat, Tulay Tecimer, Erdoğan Çetinkaya
Abstract 95 | PDF Downloads 77

Page 109-113

Hypoglycemia as a sign of paraneoplastic syndrome in a patient with pleural fibroma

Ivana Sagova, Daniela Kantárová, Matey Stancik, Adriana Klimentová, Jurina Sadloňová,, Marian Mokáň
Abstract 226 | PDF Downloads 62

Page 114-120


The global health dimensions of asbestos and asbestos-related diseases

Collegium Ramazzini
Abstract 132 | PDF Downloads 54

Page 121-126